The OpenTox Euro 2015 meeting will take place on 30 September - 2 October in Dublin, Ireland |
07/27/2015 |
The OpenTox Euro 2015 meeting takes place 30 September - 2 October in Dublin, Ireland. The conference theme is Reproducible High Quality Safety Science on Complex Systems and will include conference sessions on Information Requirements & Standards, Characterisation of Systems, High Content Screening, Metabolism, Modelling Cellular Perturbations & Responses, Linking Parameters & Evidence across Scales and Knowledge Integration Supporting Decision Making.
OpenTox Association Working group meetings will be held on the topics of Application Programming Interfaces, Adverse Outcome Pathways, Data and Metadata Standards and Resource Deployment. The meeting will also include a General Assembly of the Association in addition to hands-on modelling and analysis sessions, poster session and knowledge cafes.
To submit an abstract for the meeting:
(Deadlines: 31 July for speaker program, 31 August for posters)
Information and updates on the program will be posted at:
Last changed: 07/27/2015