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The projects constituting the SEURAT-1 research initiative have received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013). The projects constituting the SEURAT-1 research initiative have received financing from Cosmetics Europe.


Topical Scientific Workshop of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) on New Approach Methodologies in Regulatory Science- 19-20 April 2016 - Helsinki, Finland

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This Topical Scientific Workshop will explore the potential regulatory benefits arising from fundamental change in scientific thinking. Complex toxicological apical endpoints cannot be predicted by a single non-standard test. Instead, it is necessary to combine multiple lines of evidence (including '-omics' and high-throughput screening methods) to predict the hazardous property with tools to facilitate this integration of evidence.

Two motivating drivers for the workshop are:

  • A better understanding of the underlying biology behind how chemicals cause adverse effects to human health; and
  • New tools and techniques that provide a huge amount of data to be used in solving regulatory issues.

The workshop draws inspiration from the EU research programme SEURAT-1and the US Tox21initiative, but also takes into account general progress from the scientific field.

Experts can express their interest in participating by 20 September using the expression of interest form.

Based on the expressions of interest, official invitations to the workshop are foreseen to be sent in November 2015. Participation will be by invitation only.

Workshop event page
Expressions of interest

Contact email: scientificevents[at]echa[dot]europa[dot]eu

Last changed: 08/19/2016
