OpenTox Euro 2013 community meeting on innovative developments and applications in predictive toxicology |
08/13/2013 |
The OpenTox Euro 2013 community meeting on innovative developments and applications in predictive toxicology will take place in Mainz 30 September - 2 October 2013 at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany. The meeting is being organised as a collaboration between OpenTox and ToxBank.
The OpenTox Euro 2013 speaker program with abstracts is now available at:
Abstracts for the Poster Session can be submitted via:
All posters will be reviewed at the meeting and eligible for consideration in the OpenTox 2013 Awards.
On behalf of the OpenTox Euro 2013 Organising Committee, we look forward to seeing you in Mainz
Barry Hardy (Douglas Connect) and Stefan Kramer (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz)
Organised in collaboration with ToxBank.
Session Topics: Integrated Data Analysis, Open Data, Open Source, Open Standards, Systems Biology and Toxicology, Visualisation and Analysis, Innovative Developments
Organising Committee: Barry Hardy (Douglas Connect), Andreas Karwath, Stefan Kramer (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz), Nina Jeliazkova (Ideaconsult), Egon Willighagen (Maastricht University), and Juergen Borlak (Hannover Medical School)
Hands-on interactive workshops will provide attendees the opportunity to work on analysis and modelling problems with a variety of software applications.
A Knowledge Café will be held for group discussions of topics.
Last changed: 09/12/2013