The SEURAT-1 research initiative will publish a series of six Annual Reports. These Annual Reports provide a comprehensive overview about developments ultimately targeting the replacement of animal tests in the field of repeated dose systemic toxicity assessment. The Annual Reports will be made available through the SEURAT-1 secretariat (COACH), in the form of printed books and in the form of electronic files, downloadable from this website.
These books called "Towards the replacement of in vivo repeated dose systemic toxicity testing", aim to inform policy makers about scientific progress relevant to the implementation of European Directives and Regulations and about essential gaps in knowledge corresponding to research needs. They will in particular contain detailed information about:
- the scientific progress,
- the strategic development,
- the evolution of the legislative and regulatory context,
in the field of repeated dose systemic toxicity testing.
While Volume 1 was published in September 2011, the volume 2 has just been presented and launched at the occasion of a press conference during the Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) which took place in Dublin on 14 July 2012. This second volume is now available for download!
Register for receiving a printed copy
Note: the books will be sent at the end of each month.