- EC - European Commission
- Cosmetics Europe - The Personal Care Association, previously Colipa
- ECOPA - The European Consensus-Platform for alternatives
- EPAA - The European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing
- ECHA - The European Chemicals Agency is an Agency of the European Union working to improve the quality of life by ensuring the safe use of chemicals and by fostering innovation
- CAAT-Europe - Coordinates transatlantic activities to promote education in humane science and will participate in and/or coordinate publicly and privately funded projects
Research Programmes:
- FP7 - The European Union Seveth Framework Programme
- IMI - The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) is Europe's largest public-private initiative aiming to speed up the development of better and safer medicines for patients.
- ToxCast™ - EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) launched ToxCast in 2007 to develop ways to predict potential toxicity and to develop a cost-effective approach for prioritizing the thousands of chemicals that need toxicity testing.
- eTox - Integrating bioinformatics and chemoinformatics approaches for the development of expert systems allowing the in silico prediction of toxicities (eTOX)
- AXLR8 - Accelerating the transition to a toxicity pathway-based paradigm for chemical safety assessment through internationally co-ordinated research and technology development
- ESNATS - Embryonic stem cell-based novel alternative testing strategies
- ECHO - The European Collaboration for Health Optimization
- SCR&Tox - Stem cells for relevant efficient extended and normalized toxicology
- HeMiBio - Hepatic microfluidic bioreactor
- DETECTIVE - Detection of endpoints and biomarkers of repeated dose toxicity using in vitro systems
- COSMOS - Integrated in silico models for the prediction of human repeated dose toxicity of cosmetics to optimise safety
- NOTOX - Predicting long-term toxic effects using computer models based on systems characterization of organotypic cultures
- ToxBank - Supporting integrated data analysis and servicing of alternative testing methods in toxicology