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The projects constituting the SEURAT-1 research initiative have received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013). The projects constituting the SEURAT-1 research initiative have received financing from Cosmetics Europe.


SEURAT-1 is organising a training programme aiming at spreading knowledge on the scientific domains covered by this Research Initiative and the related ethical, industrial and regulatory matters. This training programme addresses young scientists, and in particular research fellows from the organisations that are involved in this Research Initiative. When the capacity of the training courses allows it, they will also be opened to external participants.

The training courses cover the scientific areas that are addressed within the SEURAT-1 Research Initiative and the related societal, regulatory and industrial context, such as for example:

  • in vitrotoxicity test systems
  • modern concepts in toxicology
  • industry and regulatory requirements
  • ethical aspects
  • practical hands-on data analysis
  • automation of stem cell culture
  • stem cell isolation, characterization and differentiation
  • bio-engineering of culture devices

The SEURAT-1 training programme foresees two types of training:

1. Summer schools

The main objective of the summer schools is to spread the knowledge from SEURAT-1 related research domains within and beyond the cluster. In addition, the summer schools provide an opportunity for the young researchers to meet their colleagues from the other research groups, present and discuss their work and also to follow courses given by eminent experts. They are usually composed of lectures by senior scientists and invited speakers, presentations made by young researchers, workshops, and poster sessions.

The 1st SEURAT-1 Summer school was held from 4 to 8 June 2012 at the IBET, the Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica, in Oeiras, Portugal. It was key to support the integration of the young researches so as to increase efficiency as much as possible in their on-going research and development work. Close to 100 young fellows from SEURAT-1 partners and external organisations, renown speakers and other high profile scientists interested in this researcher field came to Lisbon and participated to a very rich 4 days programme of lectures and practical (computer mainly) sessions.

This first cluster level Summer school aimed to:

  • spread the SEURAT-1 related research areas knowledge within and beyond the cluster,
  • provide an opportunity for the research fellows to meet colleagues from the other research groups, present and discuss their work and to follow courses given by leading experts,
  • create synergies and strengthen the collaboration within the cluster

The 4 days summer school programme, organised over 5 days, featured a mix of sessions and events:

  • Lectures were given by renowned scientists from Cosmetics Europe, ECHA, IBET or other related initiatives such as the ESNATS project.
  • Close to 30 presentations were given by the cluster projects PIs as well as by  young researchers.
  • Practical hands-on workshops were organised (mostly in a form of computer sessions) in small groups allowing individual teaching approach.
  • Several poster sessions  triggered lively discussions between the students but also gave opportunity to the students to present their work to the invited experts and SEP members.
  • Exclusive visits of IBET´s Animal Cell Technology Laboratories, their Pilot and cGMP manufacturing plants were organised allowing the participants to the insides of the facilities.
  •  social event in form of a guided tour in Lisbon was organised giving space to the participants to interact and network. Lunch and dinner time was organised in the same spirit, the participants could enjoy sunny weather when discussing (in)formally with each other. 

2. Hands-on lab training 

The main objective of hands-on lab training is to transfer specific skills and expertise to researchers involved in SEURAT-1, potential future users and scientists from other research projects. These practical lab training courses will focus in particular on transferring knowledge about state of the art and leading edge technologies and operating procedures to the trainees.

Furthermore, the Research Initiative organises workshops addressing specific aspects of repeated dose systemic toxicity. In contrast to the summer schools and lab training courses, workshop participants should be experts in the respective fields, as the intention is to discuss open questions of the field on a high level and provide suggestions for future activities. Consequently, the organisers of the workshops will invite most of the participants.

To find some information about a concrete event organised by SEURAT-1 and to consult the calendar, please see the section Events.